Friday, July 13, 2012

so much to talk about...

but i am quiet for some reason. i am tired. exhausted might be a better word. am misunderstood. and no one really knows who i am. funny, how that is. when i think i am an open book. maybe im not that after all. maybe im this really big enigma. but in the meantime...i will continue on my quest to not being a mystery. maybe i am just brain damaged. or impaired now. handicapped might be a better word. but until i get figured out, a few milestones have taken place...

1 comment:

jmelmac said...

I'm not sure anyone really figures themselves out in this mortal journey..BECAUSE we don't get to have all the questions answered. And that's part of what we signed up for. Don't ever forget sweet sister that our journey here is about HOW we handle our disappointments and pain..your journey has been filled with landmines but YOU have survived it all..always with your head held high. YOU have shown us all who you are..a beautiful woman filled with empathy, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, humility, tenacity, love of life, and FAITH in knowing all things will work out. That is just the mini-short list of who you are!! Don't ever forget that we all stand with you through this journey of life..we love you forever and ever Shawna, Melissa & Jack xxoo